Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Guy Getting Raped Video Help! Raped And Blackmailed?

Help! raped and blackmailed? - guy getting raped video

Just yesterday, my computer keylogger someone BFS. His goal was the keylogger, and asked me to meet him somewhere. When I got there all I saw was a Chevrolet. this guy jumped up and hit me on the floor and pulled my clothes myself hangcuffed. I was so scared. I called hysterical. I have an apartment and started raping me and took video and kicks to the fact I had not the pleasure. because he has the videos, it made me not to sing to report, or it will show all the video. This is not the first time such a thing happened. Last time I was almost raped by other boys. The thing is, now do not feel safe to be alone. My parents have asked why my face was so badly beaten, I told them that I got into a fight. im scared, in the still crying about it. and I fear he will come back and kill me. You do not want to see someone besides my BF my bare skin. Shud What can I do?


cows4me7... said...

You asked this immediately! Tell your parents and you have to make a police message. By not say that they are in control of you, even if it with you. Be strong! Report so that this person may be arrested!

BikerTra... said...

Tell your parents the truth. While the police. Let these guys off with him. They are victims of this situation is not their fault. Do not pass a minute of silence.

tracey w said...

SCAD, so go talk to someone they trust as a senior police he was on the tape that the agents can yous, you have to do something or to life as SCAD Bing, to say the live - a first step, and some even Mom or Dad, WOT does not love Mater

tracey w said...

SCAD, so go talk to someone they trust as a senior police he was on the tape that the agents can yous, you have to do something or to life as SCAD Bing, to say the live - a first step, and some even Mom or Dad, WOT does not love Mater

K.A. said...

Tell your parents. It may seem embarrassing, but it's not their fault. You need to know what are the best that can help you .... Be brave.

In addition to my reply:
It does not show all, because they automatically go to jail ... ;-)


troll™ for workgroups v 3.11 said...

You "shud" with a history longer be credible.

LindseyN... said...

Tell the police! u did not see?

Erudite/... said...

They are not telling the truth. But it does not matter whether you dream of these things private. But do not put the name to an incorrect story, because these groups of women, men destroy for reasons little or nothing.

thevonba... said...

Talk to the police! It is a capital offense, almost as bad as murder. It would be in prison for decades! If you (not talk, imagine how many other women and girls and how young?) Go to the injury.

You need to know!


Dr who said...

Go to the police to join your up.When blackmail to go to the police to find out if your Internet provider, where e-mail.

Dom H said...

Since the rapist was her because of the BF, the more you again. This gives the opportunity for a "gotcha. Create email me for details dngrp001@yahoo.com

Where Words Fail, Music Speaks! said...

Parents say
call the police

nova_77_... said...

and you must go to the police. no. You need to go to the police. although it shows the videos, something to show that he rapes her. think. Want to ensure that he is in jail, he can not get away or not, and possibly blackmail cattle. and if you go to the police that you will not kill the sense, too.

watup said...

go the police, now!

fathead said...

I do not believe that either. According to people who really horrible experiences that I have never seen one, to go online and seek help met. If they are functional and help you want to know exactly where to go.

If it were true that he was the police immediately.

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