Sunday, January 24, 2010

Medicare Disability Insurance I Purchase After Tax Disability Insurance Through My Employer. Do I Need To Pay SS Tax On Benefits?

I purchase after tax disability insurance through my employer. Do I need to pay SS tax on benefits? - medicare disability insurance

I do not understand, they pay federal taxes, but I wonder about Social Security and Medicare. Should I pay these taxes. As already mentioned, my disability insurance paid "after tax", and covers 60% of my salary.


Anonymous said...

What is your income for the SS and Medicare are taxed, and disability status
The after-tax program, you can only reduce the taxable income portion of their income, if you can start the time distribution will be taxed

Anonymous said...

No, the insurance benefits are not wages.

Anonymous said...

As with other insurance or disability retirement benefits are as unearned income and FICA taxes are not, therefore, on the receipt of benefits paid.

Where the premium is paid before tax or after tax money, paid no tax on profits FICA.

Anonymous said...

No, the insurance benefits are not wages.

Anonymous said...

No, the insurance benefits are not wages.

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