Saturday, February 13, 2010

Candid Forum Are The Men More Forthright And Transparent Than The Women On This Forum?

Are the men more forthright and transparent than the women on this forum? - candid forum

Direct = direct, spontaneous, direct
Transparent = Open, Frank, Frank


Twilight said...

Yes and no ....

Johno said...

Women are much more directly with the block and report buttons.

Rainbow said...

No, I think it is about 50/50.

You can read the answers of men and women with machismo and May inadvertently promoting the views of the people.

Children relate to men, women relate to women, etc.

Constant reader said...

Thanks for the compliment, Whiner:)
Yes, it's just my personality, though. Nothing disturbs me, and there's no point beating about the bush with a non-philosophical sense, or try to smart, and read between the lines ..

Gnu Diddy! said...

I am not.

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